Friday, February 1, 2008

Day One is my first day and already I am having issues. My camera is missing. How am I supposed to have a picture a day if I have no camera to take pictures with. I have retraced my steps but still nothing. The last time I remember having it is the night of the Hannah Montana Concert. I came home, uploaded my pics and from that point on it is all a blur. So, until I find it I will have to use old pics. It is a shame too. We had an amazing snow last night and the are picture perfect moments everywhere I turn. Sad, I know.


NinaNevada said...

Hahahaha, that picture is so funny! How did you do that? I actually have your camera by the way. I'm holding it for ransom.

knyche said...

I'm on board. I'll be a fan.

Unknown said...

Concert + Blur + Can't remember = drinking problem